The support that you can get from your cloud hosting provider is very important, no matter if you have pre-sales questions and you aren't a client yet, or you have a technical problem with an existing account. Prompt and correct info about a question or a problem can save you a lot of time and efforts, not mentioning that this can often be an indicator that you're ordering from a real web hosting provider not from a reseller. If you get a hosting account through a company that doesn't own its servers and it cannot access them right away, it is almost certain that you will wait for a few days so as to have an answer to any question, therefore your websites may remain offline for ages. Alternatively, a supplier that offers different ways of communication and has a technical support staff that is available any time can assist you right away and help you reduce or fully avoid any downtime and prospective losses.

24/7 Customer Support in Cloud Hosting

We offer 24/7 customer, billing and tech support for all of our Linux cloud packages. Even if you aren't our client yet and you have questions, we can assist you in a timely manner and give you the necessary info, so as to give you a choice to make an informed decision when you get a new website hosting account. We're available at any moment, including holidays and weekends, and we offer various ways of communication to get in touch with us - live chat, phone, e-mails and support tickets. For your benefit, we have several phone numbers all over the world, thus you'll be able to call the one that is closer to you. The maximum response time for your email messages and your tickets is one hour. The regular response time is no more than 15-20 minutes, which means that you can forget about waiting for several days to get assistance for any task or issue, whatever its difficulty.

24/7 Customer Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You're able to try out our support services even before you buy a semi-dedicated server account from our company as we have phone and live chat support for billing, pre-sales and basic questions. Our agents will help you find the perfect package or offer you information about our servers, to confirm whether the system requirements for your sites are met. If you're an existing customer, you will also be able to contact us through email or through our ticketing system, that is accessible from the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. We guarantee that when you use any of these 2 methods of communication, you will get an answer within less than 1 hour and that’s 24/7, which includes weekends and official holidays. If you've used the hosting services of other service providers, even big ones, you're able to compare the reply time considering that it usually takes an entire day for them to address a support ticket.

24/7 Customer Support in VPS Hosting

Each and every virtual private server plan that we offer includes 24/7 customer and tech support, which means that if you encounter any trouble with the pre-installed software on your machine or you have any kind of pre-sales or general questions, you're able to get in touch with us at any time, even holidays and weekends. For your benefit, we offer different means of communication - phone support with several local numbers around the globe, live chat, e-mail messages as well as a ticketing system, that is accessible from the VPS billing Control Panel. The last two options are intended for time-consuming or more complex tech matters as it'll be much easier to monitor what's going on. The maximum guaranteed response time for all of the e-mail messages and tickets is 1 hour, but it hardly ever takes that long to receive help. If you add the Managed Services upgrade that we provide, our admins can also support you with any kind of third-party software difficulties.

24/7 Customer Support in Dedicated Web Hosting

All dedicated server plans that we offer include 24/7 support through numerous means of communication and with a one-hour max answer time warranty. When you want to learn more about the plans or you have various billing or general questions, you're able to call one of the local numbers that we have worldwide or you could use our live chat support and talk to a live agent. For entirely tech matters which require assistance from a tech support person or an administrator, you will be able to open a support ticket from your billing Control Panel or you can send an e-mail, since these channels are more appropriate to monitor a particular problem. The answer time for them rarely surpasses half an hour, so you can forget all about waiting for a full day so as to get support. The support service is available for all server-related issues, as well as the pre-installed software. When you need support for third-party applications, you can consider ordering the Managed Services upgrade that we offer for all of the packages.